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Point and polygon selection tools for Lightwave 3D Modeler.


Lightwave 3D Plug-In, 2002

Select Kit is a plug-in set for Modeler 6.0 or greater. It provides quick selection of polygons and points based on surface name, part name, selection set and which points belong to which polyongs. It includes 8 plug-ins: Select Every Other Polygon (Odd), Select Every Other Polygon (Even), Select Polygons Of Points, Select Points Of Polyongs, Select With Surface, Select With Part, Select With Selection Set and, About Select Kit.

Click here to download SelectKit (72 KB)


To install Select Kit, just follow these steps:

  • If any copies of Layout are running, quit them now.
  • Create a new directory in your Lightwave Plugins directory called TMPro and copy SelectKit.p into it.
  • Load Layout
  • Select Add Plug-ins.
  • Find and add SelectKit.p. Layout should report that 8 plug-ins have been added.
  • Quit Layout. This will update your Lightwave config and ensure that everything works properly.
  • The next time you run Layout, you can launch Select Kit plug-ins from the Additionaly pop-up Modeler, or assign them to keys or buttons on the interface with Configure Keys and Configure Menus. Please refer to your Lightwave documentation for more information. The plug-ins will be the prefixed with TM_P under the Additional heading of the Configure Keys and Configure Menus panels.

Select Every Other Polygon (Odd)
Select Every Other Polygon (Even)

Select Every Other Polygon (Odd) and Select Every Other Polygon (Even) are one-shot command sequence plug-ins that select every other polygon in the model, or deselect every other polygon in the selection. The odd version selects the odd numbered polygons, while the even version selects the even number polygons based on the selection order.

Select Polygons Of Points

Select Polygons Of Points selects all the polygons of the currently selected points and switches to polygon edit mode when finished.

Select Points of Polygons

Select Points of Polygons selects all the points of the currently selected polygons and switches to point edit mode.

Select With Surface

Select With Surface selects all the polygons with the same surface as the currently selected polygons. If the selected polygons include multiple surfaces, then all polygons with those srufaces will be selected.

Select With Part

Select With Part selects all the polygons with the same part name as the currently selected polygons. If the selected polygons include multiple parts, then all polygons with those parts will be selected.

Select With Selection Set

Select With Selection Set selects all the poitns in the same selection set as the currently selected points. Since a single point can belong to multiple selection sets, a popup menu will appear to let you pick which selection set you want to use, including an option to use all sets. If there is only one selection set for the selected points, only that set will be used.

About Select Kit

About Select Kit is just here to remind you where you got this plug-in from.

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