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Programs and Plug-Ins

Some older graphics utilities and plug-ins for Lightwave 3D, spanning 1996 through 2002.

Here you'll find a number of my previously available programs and Lightwave 3D plug-ins.  These are generally rather old, and none have been updated since 2002.  Lightwave 3D version numbers are the last version the plug-in was tested on, and it is not known if it will work with newer versions.

While these utilities are no longer maintained, you can feel free to contact me for the source if you are interested in updating them or rebuilding them for your platform or application.


If you are a developer, you can find the complete source for most of these on GitHub, as well as some other utilities that aren't otherwise publicly available.  Note that this code is rather old, and uses older C++ mechanisms that have been obsoleted or otherwise replaced in newer compilers.  They will likely require some massaging to build.  The last time any of these were built was for Lightwave 7.5.

for Lightwave 3D 6.0 - 6.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (107 KB)

for Lightwave 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Window (97 KB)

for Lightwave 7.0 - 7.5 Modeler
Download - 32 bit Windows (72 KB)

Lightwave 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (57 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (208 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (118 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (125 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (342 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (38 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (151 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 6.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (170 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows (104 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows ( 110 KB)

Lightwave 6.0 - 7.5 Layout
Download - 32 bit Windows ( 50 KB)

Standalone; Lightwave 5.6 and earlier scenes
Download - 32 bit Windows (31 KB)
Download - DEC Alpha Windows (63 KB)

Standalone; Lightwave 5.6 and earlier scenes
Download - Amiga (65 KB)

Standalone; Lightwave 5.6 and earlier scenes
Download - Amiga (21 KB)

Standalone; Lightwave 5.6 and earlier scenes
Download - Amiga (8 KB)

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