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News and in-progress thoughts on various projects, which eventually get collected into their own dedicated pages.

Stereo Line In Mod for 2007 Hyundai Sonata

Joe Angell

Our 2007 Hyundai Sonata has XM radio, which we never use.  Unfortunately, it has no line-in jack for our phones.  After dealing with ineffective radio tuners for a few years, I finally did some research on how to add a line in jack to the radio.  It turns out a few people had done it before, and it was pretty straight-forward, as long as you're comfortable removing the radio and doing some light soldering to the XM harness. The final result is a (sort of) working line-in jack that can plug right into any audio player with a 1/8" jack.

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work right -- it seems like the vocals only come out of the right speaker, and I lose all sound from the right speaker when I plug the phone into a charger.  I haven't been able to figure out why this is happening.

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Modified XM harness to allow line-in on the stock Sonata head unit.

Modified XM harness to allow line-in on the stock Sonata head unit.

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