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Affiliate Disclosures

To help support this site, I am currently part of the Amazon Affiliate program. What this means is that when you click on one of the Amazon links on one of my pages, I may get a commission for sending you there, at no cost to you. If you want to help support this site and projects, clicking these links when you need to buy something on Amazon is a good way to do it, even if you buy something different from what I’ve specifically linked to.

I only link to things that I actually use in the projects. I don’t link just to link — these are the things that I used, although in some cases a later version of the project may have superseded an older link. There are no sponsored or promoted links or projects on this site. If someday in the future that actually happens, they will be clearly labeled as such. But for now, it’s just me.

Thanks for taking the time to visit and look at what I’ve been working on!

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